Saturday 30 March 2013

Day 81 (Merri-Bee Organic Farm)

This morning I was up nice and early. The philosophy on the farm is to feed the animals before you feed your self. I woke up at 7 and not long after Max, the German wwoofer (willing worker on organic farm) had shown me around the property. We fed the chooks and pigs. After feeding the animals we had a delicious breakfast. The bread is freshly baked from organic rye grains and has added home made yeast that Bee has had fermenting over the last five years.

It's the first experience I've had with farmed pigs. On the farm their is also cattle- cows for milk, sheep and llama for wool and lamb for meat. They also have a farm roughly 100km away from here, that is specifically for the farming of beef.

One thing that I'm surprised with is the promotion of meat consumption on the farm, considering they are such avid environmentalists. I am well aware that permaculture principals never state meat consumption as bad, but I would have assumed that these guys, based off the philosophy I've observed, would focus namely on plant based foods rather then meats.

During the middle of the day I have been pulling out kikuyu grass, a viscous spreading grass dominating one particular garden bed, but also getting into others. It has been fun working in this garden bed as next to me is a fresh raspberry patch and also juicy roma tomatoes close by.

Late in the night Bee and Stuart returned from the farm bringing with them a dozen new chooks for their yard. Around 8:00pm they returned so we went out to put all the chooks into a few different chook houses. I was informed that if you place them in the house during the day they can be killed from other chooks as they are viewed as a threat or more competition. At least during the night they are sleeping and by morning time the chooks have a scent similar to the others, so they are tolerated more from the other chooks.

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