Saturday 27 April 2013

Day 116 (Bush camp to Camarvon)

April 27 (Saturday)

The Aboriginal centre was closed today so we didn't end up getting a chance to see it. My German friends dropped me off at the caravan park and we said out farewells. This was hard as not only am I aware that I won't have company for another few weeks, but also that it will be a long time before I see these two great people again.

I stocked up down at the supermarket to get all my bits and pieces before I shoot off tomorrow morning. I also went over my bike for the final time, making sure all the screws are tight and everything is up to scratch. I gave the chain a goo clean and everything a good lube. I also did some reparations to my tent as I have been concerned over small holes economy larger. Last thing I want is a nest of ants crawling in my tent whilst sleeping..

I was very surprised as I was again in tied by the park managers for dinner. They are really impressed by my journey and in particular the cause I am supporting. They have not only put a small donation in they have also given me a whole lot of pointers to get the story more out to the public. I explained to them that I'm not great at selling things, in particular something orientated around my self. I realise this is something that needs to be improved as the potential for fundraising is a lo higher than I realise.

I contacted a few papers from further north and received good feedback from the Pilbara echo news paper. Hopefully a few more do a plug and donations can rise. I also contacted a community centre to see if they were keen for a community BBQ where donations could go towards the charity.

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