Saturday 27 April 2013

Day 117 (Canarvon to Bush camp)

April 28 (Sunday)
Day: 142km
Ride time: 5hours 43minutes

This morning was great. I had brekky with a few other campers and enjoyed some free local fruits. A few French people are here and have been job hunting, but all they keep receiving is free fruit! They palmed a bit of it off and I was more then pleased to eat it up.

The ride felt very easy compared to when I pulled into Canarvon. The heat was there but it felt bearable throughout the day.

I pulled into the free camp area earlier then I expected. As soon as I pulled in I drank a litre of water within minutes. This was a lot, compared to the three litres I drank over the 150km, or just under 6hours ride time.

It feels weird being at the same camp site that I was at with the Germans only a few nights ago. There a few other campers around so it doesn't make the isolation feel as bad.

Now to make up a nice dinner (bake beans and cous cous) as I prepare for another big day tomorrow. The birds are very active also making the solitude more bearable. Another beautiful night in the bush!

1 comment:

  1. Hi James

    we listened to macca on Sunday did they get back to you? Don't forget the Grey Nomads will feed you!! cheers
    Ian and Susan
